Saturday 10 September 2016

Ldc English

  1. The acousthaveics of the large hall ______ very poor .

    (A) is
    (B) are
    (C) has
    (D) since

  2. I’m afraid this exercise is ......... more difficult

    (A) fairly
    (B) not
    (C) many
    (D) rather

  3. Write the past participle form of broadcast.

    (A) broadcasted
    (B) broadcaste
    (C) broadcast
    (D) broadcasts

  4. He chose sometimes from Shakespeare's Sonnets as the ..............for his essay.

    (A) epigram
    (B) epilogue
    (C) epigraph
    (D) epitaph

  5. They went to London by...........plane.

    (A) the
    (B) an
    (C) a
    (D) No article

  6. Please write this ------- ink.

    (A) with
    (B) by
    (C) in
    (D) from

  7. "Can you lend me a pound, ..........

    (A) No, sadly
    (B) I'm afraid not
    (C) I afraid no
    (D) Not, sorry

  8. A story in which ideas are symbolised as people

    (A) table
    (B) parable
    (C) legend
    (D) allegory

  9. My uncle has gone to .......... hospital to visit a sick friend.

    (A) A
    (B) An
    (C) The
    (D) Any

  10. This is the place ...... I lost my bag

    (A) where
    (B) when
    (C) which
    (D) who

  11. Person having profound knowledge

    (A) intelligent
    (B) wise
    (C) scholar
    (D) none

  12. I........ the manager at seven O’clock tomorrow morning

    (A) met
    (B) meets
    (C) had met
    (D) am meeting

  13. In his spare time he works...............a salesman for and insurance company.

    (A) at
    (B) as
    (C) like
    (D) out

  14. He hasn’t got ............... manners.

    (A) has returned
    (B) returned
    (C) had returned
    (D) will have returned

  15. You are John,..........?

    (A) are you
    (B) aren't you
    (C) do you
    (D) don't you

  16. It .......... heavily for a week

    (A) is raining
    (B) rain
    (C) were raining
    (D) has been raining

  17. Margaret _____ me _____ worry.

    (A) said, not
    (B) told, not to
    (C) said, not to
    (D) told, don’t

  18. Find out the word which is spelt wrongly.

    (A) endevour
    (B) superintendent
    (C) campaign
    (D) moustache

  19. Take care lest ..............

    (A) You shall fall
    (B) You should fall
    (C) You will fall
    (D) You may fall

  20. 'Scintillating' means.

    (A) piercing
    (B) painful
    (C) sharp
    (D) sparkling

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