Sunday 6 November 2016

Collective names of animals

A culture of bacteria

A hive of bees

A colony or an army of ants

A shrewdness of apes

A herd or pace of asses

A shoal of bass

A colony of beavers

A sleuth or sloth of bears

A flight, congregation or volery of birds

A herd of buffalo

A quiver of cobras

A brood of chickens

A float of crocodiles

A litter of cubs

A murder of crows

A herd of deer

A pack of dogs

A brace, paddling or team of ducks

A clutch of eggs

A herd of elephants

A school, shoal of fish

An army or colony of frogs

A swarm of flies

A skulk or leash of foxes

A mob or troop of kangaroos

A band of gorillas

A brood of hens

A team, pair of horses

A company of parrots

A leap of leopards

A pride of lions

A troop of monkeys

A parliament of owls

A flock or flight of pigeons

An ostentation of peacocks

A string of ponies

A litter of pigs

A nest of rabbits

A herd  or crash of rhinos

A flock of sheep

A host of sparrows

A flight of swallows

A nest of snakes

A dray of squirrels

A descent of woodpeckers

A school or pod of whales

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